Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Night in Venice

Mille-feuille au mocca,gâteau au fromage blanc,fleur de lys pie,duo choco pie.
Now you guess which is which :)
These cakes are available in Paul Café.

Uhm, there was kind of like "ladies' hang out" yesterday for a while. Ccha, Poppy and moi went to a cafe called Paul in Villaggio.
I like the place though it was not that comfy cause it is located in the mid-way (between H&M and Zara Home Center) so people might stare at you while you're eating hahaha naaah. Well, when I recall my memory, I have seen many people go there to eat meals instead of cakes or drinks. We wanted to try the meals but hahahaha we were broke so ended up taking KFC and Sushi. Oh yeaaaah we didn't take pics of sushi :(
My sister, Poppy, ordered eel sushi while me and Ccha ordered California Sushi (cucumber,salmon,tuna). I was stuffed enough with just those (include KFC hehe).

Around 6 pm, Esi and Faris came and tagged along. Then we went to The Pearl and meeting up with Uty,Ari,Sandi and Lingga.
We took so many pics there and it was hilarious. The place was awesome, IT'S LUXURIOUS!
There were a lot of those "expensive-looking" cruisers.
Hahaha me and Esi started to wonder "what if we have a friend like Goo Jun Pyo or Dao Ming Shi (Boys Over Flowers or Meteor Garden Drama) and sure that we would be in that cruiser right now" HAHAHAHA ohh maaan this is just dreaming! :D A dream that will hardly come true or MAYBE WILL NEVER COME TRUE!

At 8:30 pm we went to Aspire Park with Ccha's car and sang Justin Bieber's song One Time (again and again). She dropped us there and she went back home cause her mom called her so. :)
During our "hang out" in Aspire Park, we were playing I-dont-know-the-name Card and SERIOUSLY I WAS REALLY SUCK AT IT! I lost so many times. So I gave up at the end haha. It was fun.
Then I went back home around 10:40s pm with the help of Esi dropping me and Poppy home.
She was stiiiiill good with her driving.

"Thanks ladies and gentlemen for the hang out"

Friday, December 25, 2009

Older Brother

Dear Kuya,

I think it's time for me to forgive you and now it is my turn to apologize, "I am really sorry". Maybe I was selfish that I did not try to understand your situation.

Uhm I have no idea what else to say. Uhmmm anyway, I heard that you have a surgery on 27th?Good luck, hope you'll be fine hehehe.

Concerning a matter of you and my bff, I am really cool with that. It's your choice, your life and you go through with it. I am just gonna support for whatever path you both choose, well ofcourse a positive way :D
Kuya,if you really like her ahem ahem ahem don't ever disappoint her okay?You know what I mean right?She'd been through kinds of relationships......

Okay kuya, don't feel terrible and miserable now hahaha we're fine ok?



Thursday, December 24, 2009

BFF <3

Dear My Sweetbottom,

I am here to honestly tell you that I am sorry. I am very sorry if I ever did something that hurt your feelings especially during the matter of “3 of us” lately.

Maybe I was a bit selfish that I could not control my emotion and said harshly or emotionally to you. It’s me! I am the type of person who can’t control my emotion, and you as my bff please guide me or sadar kan gw pas gw lagi emosi.

I am thankful and grateful to have you as my bff <3 Perhaps it’s hard to find a bff like you. :)

I really hope that our friendship is not just a status (like you wrote on your previous post on Tumblr). I have a strong faith in you, Sweetbottom hehehe.

Oh yeah, talking about “sweetbottom” hahahah I am sorry that I ever spanked your ass in public HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAA OOOPSSS!

No no I will not do that again, but I am sure you will miss me being like that to you HAHAHHAA PEDE!

Okay Sweetbottom, that’s it for now. I hope no more stupid drama going on again later.

Yours Faithfully,



Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I hate to cry, I hate to cry!
Cries let out my tears
Tears show my weaknesses

Why am I so emotional?
I should not be angry but smile
I have a deep hard feeling that me-myself don't understand it
Like a lost girl in a dark forest who doesn't know where to go
But cry all night long.

Why am I so heartless?
I should not be mean but patience
I have a strong feeling that I can't easily forgive
Like a volcano blows its lava
Becomes as hard as rock.

Why am I so dumb?
I should not say harshly but calmly
I can not apology
And say "I am sorry" easily.


Uhm this sunset shows how my mood is right now. Its colour is blue to red; bright to dark.
My mind is......... blank??! I can only think BLACK or DARK!
I wanted to tell how my feelings were but something just came in the way and that really pissed me off then changed my mood. I didn't mean to blame 'her' for the changed of my mood. I blamed myself for not taking things in a cold-headed way.
She is my best friend,I know! But there's just one thing that she can't manage between me and her, that is, she sometimes brought up the matter of the '3 of us' and you know what?I hate it! Or maybe I hate myself to keep running away. Do you think I am really running away from this matter?? Or maybe I am blind that I can't see this matter?

Okay, let me be honest. Perhaps it's really hard for me to admit everything I see maybe because I never expected this matter to really happen. Time really goes so fast!
Huaaaaaaaa I don't understand myself at all!Who am I?? AAAAAAAAARRRRGHHHH!

Okay okay okay.... forget it! Aaaargh let me mention the word "SHOCK" shhh!
Ha, I was actually shocked to know that he *should I mention his name?* actually asked her out? It's not a big deal for me though. It's just that I didn't expect that to be so fast. Cause you know what? I could really feel the difference. Here let me explain more specific, he used to be real close to me and my sister, and talk about lotsa stuffs;he picked me up and we went somewhere; brought foods for me and family blablabla. So I am used to him being like that to me. I honestly thought this is just it - it's not like a special relationship like those fucking lovers though many people misunderstood our "closeness" as a boyfie-girlfie thang but seriously we never felt that way! Anyways, I guess all this shit happened after my birthday in Sealine. I didn't even know what had gone wrong with him??? I felt that he suddenly avoided me with NO FUCKING REASON! At first, I didn't bother about that cause I was busy with my damn exams and school stuffs *yeah-ASS!*. I heard no news from him and he didn't even wish me luck for the exams like he used to so I was like "huh?WHAT-F-EVER!".
I kinda knew that something was going on there behind me like he and her getting close but again ME NOT BOTHER. Why?? Cause he avoided me and he didn't talk to me. SO WHY SHOULD I FUCKING CARE?!

Due to this like-I-don't-care act, there had been a miscommunication between the three of us especially me and him. I pretended like "hahaha come on guys, I am fine!I am cool.Awww come on.HAHAHA" Yeah right, that was NOT! I actually felt terrible cause I didn't know what to do in front of her and him. So my acting was AWESOME! They didn't even realise that. But I kept hiding and I even ran away to UmmSaid to chill and refresh. As the time ran so fast like a dog catching a cat, I chilled there and played with kids and blablablabla. But still I didn't get my answers to solve at least one. So I was sure I still kept it inside and could not let it out. I wanted to cry again but I couldn't cause I never wanted to bring that matter. Whenever the matter visited my brain, I tried to erase or kick the matter away from my brain. "I don't want my brain to be messy cause of that matter", I said silently.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009





Hari ini ada bazaar di KBRI. Seperti biasa mama ngisi. Aku hanya duduk di belakang mama sambil ngotak ngatik hp *padahal cuma ngecek pulsa sih hehe* terus ibu2 pada menyerbu jualan dan menyantapnya. Hingga akhirnya ada salah satu ibu2 yg aku sangaaaat kenal yaitu Julak. Mama berkata dgn pelan,"Cha tuh ada Julak". Aku hanya menjawab,"Iya mah". Aku hanya melihat beliau sekilas dan terus kembali dgn pandangan aku ke hp *sbnrnya cuma buka2 inbox sih*. Aku hanya diem dan pura2 tidak melihat, KENAPA?karna aku lagi ga mood banget untuk bersapa ria dgn siapa pun. Saat itu aku kebawa suasana bete gara2 aku kira i wore a wrong dress ternyata lama kelamaan byk org2 yg ga pake formal dress fiuuuh. Untung aku udah mandi rada keliatan bersih gitu deh jadinya,tadinya aku tdk berniat untuk mandi.

Mood masih belum reda,aku buka aja twitter lwt tuh hp then i posted about how bored i was di KBRI.Ternyata Faris ngebales so I told him to come hahahaa so then he came in one hour. Terus Faris telf boy untuk dateng dan blg,"Boy kesini dong ada Dhea" ehh beneran deh ga lama kemudian si Boy dtg beneran pake taxi lg., katanya sih disuruh ma ayah tuk nemenin mama ahahha alasan banget sumpa deh. Ehh pas lagi duduk2 ternyata ada 1 org lg dtg yaitu Fikar.Fiuuuh finally aku ada temennya deh.Selama itu kita bercerita2 ttg University and stuffs hingga sampe perut kita main drum saing2an."Oooops aku laper lagi",kata Faris. Padahal ya dia udah makan nasi dan jengkol balado sebelum dtg ke KBRI dan pas dtg2 langsung nyantap nasi uduk.ckckck Faris Faris!

Kita pulang jam 1:30an. Tau ga sih pas pulang2 mama bilang apa? Aku kan masuk kemar mandi nih buat mandi lagi, mama di luar sambil teriak2 gini "CHAAAA KAMU UDAH TAU BELUM KALO SI ANDRA LAGI DI QATAR??". Tapi aku cuma menjawab "IYA MAAAH ICHA TAU KOK.TAPI MAMA KOK BISA TAU DIA ADA DISINI?" "YA TAU LAH KAN TADI NGOBROL BENTAR MA JULAK.KAMU SIH DIKASIH TAU ADA JULAK MALAH DIEM AJA!" aaaaiiiih si mamah ini!Aku bukan jaim sih cuma rada GA MOOOOOOD!Bukan hanya ke JULAK tapi ke semua IBU2.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I am dying

I hate the words "I feel like I am dying"

I have heard that many times since dad's disease back. He has asthma and hard headache. This hard headache I mean is different than the usual headache. There is a frozen blood inside his brain (if I'm not wrong). AND YOU KNOW WHAT? He has high blood pressure. We realized that 2 days ago in Messaid at Uncle Haris's house, Auntie Fitri took the test. His blood pressure was 190. We were all shocked and Uncle Kusmoyo took him to Ummsaid Hospital. So ever since and then, we take extra care on him like controlling his foods with less salt,saledri juice,cucumber juice etc. This really helps him to reduce his blood pressure. I hope that he will be fine sooner!


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

someone comes in the way

Salah satu hal yg paling gw benci selama perjalanan hidup gw itu adalah adanya org ketiga di persahabatan gw!
Maksud gw org ketiga itu adalah cowo!
Kejadian ini bukan sekali atau dua kali. Kalo di hitung2 udah kesekian kalinya.
Tapi lama2 gw udah kebal aja deh ngadapin situasi yg beginian. Pasaran bok soalnye!

Okay deh, gw pgn cerita dikit nih ttg apa yg belakangan sedang terjadi.
Gw punya sobat yg tiba2 di tembak ma seseorg yg gw kenal banget! Jujur, gw sempet kaget pas dia cerita ke gw kalo dia di tembak ma tuh org. Bukan kaget karna dia ga pantes...TIDAK! Gw kaget karna secepat itu kah tuh cowo nembak sobat gw?Karna setau gw tuh org kalo suka/pedekate ma cewe biasanya lama. Tapi gw pikir2, mungkin skrg dia udah berubah. Dia ga mau yg lalu terjadi lagi dan gw pikir pasti dia bener2 suka ma sobat gw ini :)

Gw turut senang mendengar berita yg menggembirakan ini karna kata sobat gw dia udah lama tidak merasakan yg namanya bercinta. Setelah dia putus ma pacar terakhirnya di indo, itu skitar beberapa thn yg lalu, dia ngejomblo. Well, ada sih beberapa cowo yg dia sempet deket tapi bukan sebagai PACAR,tapi hanya sebagai TTM :P
Dia terus bercerita dan bercerita ttg apa yg terjadi between her and him. Gw juga ikut senang mendengar cerita ini semua. Cuma ada satu hal yg ngeganjil yaitu gw skrg ngerasa dia apa2 selalu tuh cowo tuh cowo tuh cowo dan tuh cowo! Gw gpp sih, cuma rada terasa asing aja sih, gw seperti ga exist lagi dimata dia. Dia skrg gimana2 ma tuh cowo.
Uhm apa mungkin karna gw ngerasa a bit lonely aja?? Bisa juga sih begitu! Yang jelas gw ga mungkin jealous ok? Karna itu ga mungkin banget. Kalo pun jealous, gw cuma jealous karna sobat gw kynya lebih dkt ke dia drpd gw. Itu aja kok! Gw cuma ga mau dia mikir gw jealous karna tuh cowo??! NO WAY!
Mau tau kenapa gw takut sobat gw ini mikirnya gw jealous ma tuh cowo?Karna sebelum mereka jadi deket gini, gw ma tuh cowo deket bgt. Bahkan keluarga gw udah kenal bgt ma dia dan gw juga kenal ma keluarganya. Wajar dong kalo misalnya sobat gw ada pemikiran gw jealous. Kan tiba2 aja mrk jadi dkt dan tuh cowo malah ga dkt lagi ma gw gara2 mrk sering bareng.
Sebenernya sempet sih ada rasa kurang srek gitu.You know why?Karna ini semua terjadi terlalu cepat dan gw belum siap untuk nge adjust semua ini. Dan satu hal lagi yg bikin aneh, si cowo ini tidak cerita2 ke gw! Ini bikin gw ngerasa betrayed by him. Gw ga masalah mereka mau lovey-dovey an kek gw cuma butuh tuh cowo ngejelasin juga bukan hanya sobat gw yg bercerita ke gw! Kalo emang tuh cowo ngerasa gw ini adik/tmn nya(seperti yg selama ini dia panggil/blg), seharusnya dia dgn mudah menceritakan soal ini ke gw. Kan dia bisa aja ngelakukannya seperti biasanya?!
Tapi sudah lah buat apa di bahas?Toh tuh cowo udah pergi gini ke negaranya. Paling nanti dia balik2 kesini gw udah adjust with everything. Oh ya gw lupa, semalem sebenernya gw ketemu dia sih dan dia sprt menunjukan expresi kalo dia pgn blg sesuatu ke gw pas dia duduk di samping gw tapi berhubung lagi rame jadi itu impossible aja tuk di bahas. Lagian gw jg ga mau dia ngebahas di saat itu jg, karna gw ga mau aja atmosphere diruangan itu jadi berubah.

Skitar jam 9an dia pulang, dia meluk semua anak2. Hingga akhirnya dia dtg ke gw dan meluk gw. Gw dan dia tidak ngomong apa2; istilahnya say "Take Care.Have fun" aja tdk ada.
Setelah dia pergi Mike berkata "Are you okay now?" I said,"Im totally fine mike :)"
Gw cukup senang dgn adanya Mike disamping gw. Dia ngerti kondisi dan feelings gw. Bukan hanya karna dia mantan gw, tapi dia juga SOBAT TERBAIK gw!Gw pernah senang bgt pas dia ngenalin gw ke tmn2 kampusnya; dia bilang gini, "This is Icha, one of my bestfriends" awwww so nice of him :)
Semalem gw pgn banget bilang 'Terima Kasih Mike" tapi ga tau kenapa kok berat bgt ya bilangnya?Jujur gw tuh kadang suka kaku dgn hal yg begituan. Gw pgn blg terima kasih ke Mike tapi gimana ya?Besok dia udah mesti pergi ke Indonesia :(

I'm gonna miss you bud! Gw ga bisa kabur2an ma lo lagi deh wakakakakakakaa

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


nowaaay, gw takut bgt deh ma yg namanya karma!
setelah beberapa makian buat tuh org.. kenapa malah jadi begini?!
yang ada gw ma dia malah jadi gimana gitu.well, ini hal yg paling gw takutin seumur hidup! kenapa malah jadi turn out to be like this?! seperti kemaren gw jalan bedua ma dia?! eewww
tau ga sih, gw pernah bilang gw harap gw ga pernah liat tampang dia dan ga pernah mau ketemu dia seumur hidup gw.diiiiih skrg apa dong jadinya??yg ada malah ketemu dan jalan bedua lagi?! EWW CUIHH!
maaaaan, gw bener2 takut takut apa yg gw bilang turn out to be the opposite way!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Missing my Datuk (Great Grandma)

I don't know why every time I listen to BYE BYE song by Mariah Carey, always reminds me of my Datuk (great grandma).
Like today, I put up the songs in Windows Media Player. The songs were shuffled then Bye Bye song came up. The song pushed me to search for the lyric, so then I searched it on . I sang along with the lyrics. My tears almost fell down but I held it. I just didn't want my mom to see it :( It's kinda weird you know.
While singing along, I read through out the lyric. It is sure deep - a really deep song.
My heart ached, my lips shaking, my eyes watery.
I realized that I missed my Great Grandma so bad. I've had one bad memory with her that I've regretted it till now.
I wish I could say sorry and hug her and never let my arms off.
I wish I could sleep with her and talk the whole night.
I wish I cooked her and drop the foods to her house everyday.
I wish I bought her favorite ice creams whenever she wanted.
I wish she was alive so that she can choose a better guy for me.
I wish in my wedding she could be there to share my happiness.
I wish she was still here so that we can share a lot of happiness together.
I wish...... I wish....... I wish.....
These are only wishes - the wishes that will never come true because I was stupid that now I regret everything what I'd done to her :(
Though it was just a small thing, but this regretfulness never be erased from my heart and mind.
Ya Allah, Please help me to be a better person from now and then. I don't want to regret like this ever again. Please help me to find a way to be a good daughter who can make parents happy.

btw, here is the lyric:
This is for my people's who just lost somebody
Your best friend, your baby, your man or your lady
Put your hand way up high, we will never say bye

Mamas, daddies, sisters, brothers, friends and cousins
This is for my people's who lost their grandmothers
Lift your head to the sky 'cause we will never say bye

As a child there were them times
I didn't get it but you kept me alive
I didn't know why you didn't show up sometimes
It's something more than saying, "I miss you"
But when we talked too

All them grown full things separation brings
You never let me know it, you never let it show
Because you loved me and obviously
There's so much more left to say
If you were with me today face to face

I never knew I could hurt like this
And everyday life goes on like
I wish I could talk to you for awhile
I wish I could find a way try not to cry
As time goes by

And soon as you reached a better place
Still I'll give the whole world to see your face
And I'm bragging next to you
It feels like you gone too soon
Now the hardest thing to do is say bye bye

Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye, bye bye

And you never got the chance to see how good I've done
And you never got to see me back at number one
I wish that you were here to celebrate together
I wish that we could spend the holidays together

I remember when you used to tuck me in at night
With the teddy bear you gave me that I held so tight
I thought you were so strong that you can make it through whatever
It's so hard to accept the fact you're gone forever

I never knew I could hurt like this
And everyday life goes on like
I wish I could talk to you for awhile
I wish I could find a way try not to cry
As time goes by

And soon as you reached a better place
Still I'll give the world to see your face
And I'm bragging next to you
It feels like you gone too soon
The hardest thing to do is say bye bye

Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye, bye bye

This is for my people's who just lost somebody
Your best friend, your baby, your man or your lady
Put your hand way up high, we will never say bye

Mamas, daddies, sisters, brothers, friends and cousins
This is for my people's who lost their grandmothers
Lift your head to the sky 'cause we will never say bye, bye

I never knew I could hurt like this
And everyday life goes on like
I wish I could talk to you for awhile
I wish I could find a way try not to cry
As time goes by

And soon as you reached a better place
Still I'll give the world to see your face
And I'm bragging next to you
It feels like you gone too soon
The hardest thing to do is say bye bye

Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye, bye bye

Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye, bye bye

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Facebook is ANNOYING!

aaaargh there's another person who makes me angry just now! ewwwwww eewwww
what the hell is wrong with him?! ffff!
anyway, i dont think it's worth the effort if i get pissed like this. he's nobody anyway.
he is just my past. not my present and not my future!freak!
look at him, he always thinks that he's the cute one and every girl would want him.
there's this funny part, once he posted a status on FB saying that "there's no need to be handsome to get pretty girls" hahahhaa what a joke! he probably thinks that every girl wants his property instead???!yeaaah right! but sorry Mr Weirdo, i aint that type of girl you know. well, if you ever thought i was that type of girl hahahha that might be 50% right! HAHAHA FUNNY!

I dont know why facebook pisses me off most of the time. I think I should get over it! I should stop facebook-ing or taking a break maybe?
Facebook is just a waste of time. It has become so useless now. Yeaah thats what my dad once told us.
One of the reasons that makes facebook useless is because random people add you. they dont even know you, they dont even talk to you when you accept their friend requests. What the hell do they want??! They just wanna show off? Show off that they have thousands of friends?! hahaha wtf!
The ones that I dont know and the ones that I dont even talk.
But sometimes, people that I know but the annoying ones, I've been wanting to delete them too but.... do you think it's gonna be a bit obvious if I delete them?? Well, someday I might not care!
There is a list of people that I've wanted to delete. People that I know.
Oh yeaaah, theres this person who is close to me... hahaha I deleted him from my FB list days ago (though I still talk and meet him).Wooohoooo omg! Maaaan, I seriously dont care if he found it out! hahaha

Thursday, November 12, 2009



anyway, drpd mikirin hal yg GA PENTING BGT mending gw mikirin gimana supaya gw bisa belajar dengan baik deh. YA ALLAH TOLONG BANTU SAYA SUPAYA DPT BELAJAR DGN BAIK YA ALLAH SEMOGA SAYA BISA NGERJAKAN UJIANNYA DGN BAIK AMIN :) <3



Monday, September 21, 2009


Ya Allah… mudahkanlah kami menempuh jalan orang-orang yang telah engkau beri nikmat atas mereka, yaitu orang-orang yang memeperoleh hidayah dan istiqomah. Bukan jalan orang-orang yang Engkau murkai, yang hati mereka telah rusak sehingga mereka menyimpang dari kebenaran meskipun telah mengetahuinya. Bukan pula jalan orang-orang yang sesat yang tidak memiliki dan tidak mau belajar ilmu agama, sehingga mereka terus-menerus dalam kesesatan dan tidak mendapatkan petunjuk kepada kebenaran. Amiin…

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Missy Missy!

As you can see in the picture, the picture was taken last year.[left to right:Hoon,Saikat,Mikael,Faisal,Yijing,Ccha,Oba,Me,Sist Rini,Ka Ayu,Poppy]
Nowaay! I cant believe it, IT WAS LAST YEAR! All this fun happened LAST YEAR! hahaha
I miss Yijing, Hoon, Ka Ayu. I hope we can hang out like this again. :(

Yijing is in China right now, and I heard that she got a job there. Its WOOW, She got a high paid salary. I guess she will go shopping with her money on her favorite brands. *HUHUHU im so jealous of you Yijing :( *
I hope I had a job this summer. Buuuh nevermind, it was my laziness that made me not getting a job. I finished making my CV a month ago but I didnt search for a job!
By the way, she's going to New Zealand around October to study abroad. *I'm wishing you a good luck Yijing! *
As I remember, that day (17/04/08) was our first hang out with the guys in Wakra Beach and it was my first hang out with Yijing too.
Ok let me tell a story of how we started talking to each other openly. hahaha

It was afternoon (thurs,17/04/08 red.). riiiiiing (bell door) I opened the door and saw two girls saying HI!The girl with a white shirt and long hair waved at me and said hi to my mom when she entered my house.Her name is Yijing Huang. She smiled at everyone. "She's sweet.How should I start a conversation later?Is she the quite type of person?I hope I can talk to her easily later", I said it silently.
The guys promised to pick us up at 4 pm but "WHAT??" they came around 5 (almost 6 pm). OMG! We were a bit pissed off but we chilled down after they came and said with a smile,"Its ok guys.Sorry to bother you guys of picking us up hehehe :P".
We went to The Mall to buy chips,drinks,chocolates to stock up in the beach. We even bought Pizza Hut in Wakra. Actually our plan was to have a BBQ in the beach but ended up of buying junk foods instead. hehehe
It was an unkown side of wakra beach where the girls'd never been there before. It was dark,so dark that we used Mike's and Faisal's headlights to brighter us playing Monopoly. Oh yeah the sweet part was when Hoon gave his cap to Yijing as the headlight facing directly to her. We girls were expecting Hoon to date Yijing later. HAHAHA. Ccha and Yijing slept over at my place. We spent our sleepover-night talking about what'd happened of that day --this was how we talked openly. We had fun!
I miss them sleeping over at my place :(
I dont mind them sleeping here many times.. Seriously, I never felt bothered by that! I've wished that those times can happen again.

A guy in the left side of the picture with a black shirt, that's Kim Ji-Hoon. He is a korean guy. yeaah we used to tease him as our Mommy whose husband was Faisal (Big Daddy). It was fun to have him around. He was the funniest of the funny :P His korean accent made him funny!But he didnt care at all. He hated us calling him "Ahjushi" which means "Uncle". Poppy said that in Korea, men whose age is more than 20 can be called as "Ahjushi" hahaha. He,somehow,hated of being called as that. Perhaps he didnt want to admit that he's an ahjushi hahhaa :P
He got annoyed if I stared at him with my sarcastic look hehehe cause he said I looked scary woooo. The first day I met him was in Philipine School of Doha. There was Asian Food Festival. He came with Faisal and Saikat. I saw the guys teasing him cause there was no Korean's food stand there hahaha. I felt bad cause the guys teased him many times but Oba said "thats ok ich. He's used to it"

Now lets talk about Ka Ayu.
First time we met it was at my place. Ka ayu and Tante Sri's family came over. We talked about Mba Rini and Ka Ayu. Actually, Ka Ayu is Mba Rini's best friend eversince they were kids.They were seperated when Mba Rini came here in the year of 2000. In year 2006, Mba Rini went back to Medan. Year 2007 Ka Ayu came here to Qatar. They got seperated again. Later, Mba Rini came here. Oh Gosh! why did I write about their seperation???
Anyway, ka ayu slept over at my place around 3 days or more during Eid Fitr 2007. It was fuuuun! We talked about stuffs :P I cant even say it here hehee

I hate Economics!

It's already 1:28 am now. I've been editing my blog's template. Yeah Im so excited to make-over my blog since this is just the beginning. I bet later on I am gonna be lazy to update my blog :P .
Anyways, I've been staying at home since Ramadhan started. I've been idling around without doing my homeworks. OOOMMMMG! YEAAAH HOMEWORKS!!! My school is starting in 27th September. OH NOWAAAY! I havent done any of my homeworks! and you know what? the stupid part of me, is that, I gave my assignment papers to my Economics teacher which she said I had to do it again??! WTH!
Talking about school is surely giving me a headache! It stresses me out!Well, I do enjoy school life but not Economics Class.I hate Economics!!! Economics Teacher is the innocent one. She's new but INNOCENT!I felt bad when everyone in class never listened to her explanations which turned out to be my HATE-SUBJECT!WHY?because I cant understand anything in Economics! I've promised myself never take Economics later.But who knows?!

Aaaargh when I remember a subject named-Accountancy- huh! It annoys me much cause of my recent results! I do LOVE Accountancy but I hate my last exam. I had my confident during my exams hence I had no idea where I had my mistakes on my Accountancy exam!! hufff..Why did it out to be that bad??? I'd promised my Acc sir to score good marks on Acc exam.. again, why did it turn out to be bad?? How should I face Sir when I meet him later? Ya Allah! T__T
I guess Iam gonna hide myself when I see him ! yeah I MUST do that!

Ohh Mrs Ac**** (cant spell her name)... Do you hate me much?I seriously HATE your annoying-face when you stared at me with no reason! HAHHAA YOU ARE FUNNY MRS!
Nevermind, Im starting to like you since this summer. huh NOT! you gave me that paper! HAHHAA WHHYYY??! HAHHAA

There's another annoying subject but the teacher is the HERO of our class - Business Studies.
I LOVE her,NOT the SUBJECT she's teaching! uhm Neverthless, it's her teaching method makes me to understand well Business Studies :) Thanks to her <3

One more subject ie Informatics Practices.. I was so eager of attending this class from the beginning of my year. Eventhough our IP teacher is the LOUD-VOICE/HIGH PITCH type, I still LOVE the subject. It's a bit easy to understand :) I hope I can continue this subject later :)


Ya Allah, Please help me of doing my homeworks T__T i dont want to be lazy anymore. What if I gt a scolding from the teachers?? I dont want to cry infront of them :(

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I am Blind Cause of an Invisible Light

"I've been blinded by an invisible light.."

Yeah that's what I am feeling right now.
I am stupid! Why did I realize everything just now?All the waiting, all the kindness... what is it for?? I don't need your understanding anymore.I am fine without your careness,without your sweet words. Cause I hate the fact that I've drowned to your world-to an unrealistic world. You've made me blind with your invisible light!
But I am thankful as no one notices my blindness... I am thankful that you don't even notice my blindness.
I am even happier that it is not too late to erase you.Cause I am not yet lost in the dessert.
Well, pardon me that I didn't see your true self all this time. Cause... I am blind. I can't see your true existence in this world...
Now, I feel that you are so unrealistic.
You are just a light that can be turned on or turned off.
You are like a wind that may come and may go.
So, you are not my everything. You are not fully exist in my fragile heart.

Why did you hide your true self in front of me?Or.. is it because you knew that I am blind?

Light, please.. I don't want to keep you.I don't even want to reminisce about you.

I promise I will let you "off". Cause I am not yet lost.
I will find my new light someday.
The light which is brighter than your light. The light that makes me see the wise world.

A Goodbye Yet a Goodbye

Aku baru ngerti skrg kenapa dia lama balesnya.. ya ampuun ternyata dia tuh lagi ada masalah.. I can tell that he seems so desperado.. Though i dont know what it is about. Once i told him, "uhm if you dont mind, you can share your problems with me you know hahaaha". but i guess its kinda hard for him to tell his troubles. i just hope that he can settle everything and wont be so stressed.
I even asked him whether it is about his job or something but he said it doesnt related to any of his jobs.. im really worried! i hope its not a complicated matter :(
Anyway, let me "copy/paste" his last message to me huhuhu:
Arya Pranadipta Muharam Surya September 13 at 6:23pm
yaa arya sll berdoa ga putus.. krn arya ga ngerti apa yg hrs dilakuin saat ini, not bout my job, but like evrything which soo close with me, are in the trouble..
jd arya lg ngerasa agak tertekan, tp ga pny kmampuan apa2 utk ngerubah ini jd lbh baik, okey thks 4 ur support, 1. 1 nya org yg support arya cm chay.. wlw chay ga tau arya brmslh dg apa, arya ngerasa sng, krn chay msh bs bcr yg nenangin..
kyk buat bbrp wktu arya mau de active account ini, smp nnt udh lbh baik arya akan buka lagi.. arya akan bc inbox trakhir chay, trs mgkn baru arya matiin ya.

I hope this is just for awhile
Cause I'm used to him telling me his daily routines,
I'm used to his kindness,
I'm used to his understandings.
He isn't the type of person who forces you around and follows what he tells you
He is not perfect, but he is just a human nature
Yes, it is him, the on-off friend.

I think Im gonna miss him.. but its ok.. since my school is starting soon so i gotta be busier.
So lets call it as a "break". It doesnt matter if this "break" is forever :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wah kena deh!

Uhm aku pengen bercerita sedikit nih..

So,ada manusia yg berjenis kelamin "lelaki" tinggal di Cinere, Jakarta dan kuliah di
Universitas Trisakti yg berulang tahun skitar 2 hr sebelum ulang tahun Ayah (021288).Seinget aku sih dia jurusan Graphic Design gitu.
Nah jadi gini, sebenernya aku rada lupa sih kpn kita mulai berbincang tapi seinget aku pertama kali kita bertegur sapa lewat Facebook chatbox.yup bener chatbox!Dia yg nyapa duluan..hahaha jujur awal kenal ma dia tuh dodol bgt deeeeh..
Jadi ada cewe yg namanya Dwiya Novi..After I accepted her friend request kita jadi wall2an gitu&gini nih awal2nya, "Kakak di Doha Qatar ya??uhm kakak kenal Arya dong?" Then i replied,"iya aku anak Doha Qatar. uhm Arya yg dulu disini ya??iya bener kenal dia..loh dwiya kok tau dia?" Blablablabla.. Ga lama kemudian ada cowo bernama Arya Panadipta Muharam Surya sent a friend request [di Fb nih bok].
A-I-U-E-Oooo dr situ tuh aku jadi tau kalo ada cowo yg namanya Aryaa..ohh yeesss, jadi pas aku cek mutual friendnya dia siapa.. dan ternyataa si Dwiya Novi itu.Jujur aku sempet bingung,"loh?jadi yg di maksud Dwiya itu si Arya yg ini atau yg mana sih??".. Daripada aku bingung gitu lebih baik aku langsung aja tanya ke Dwiya lewat wall. Tapi dia bilang,"Bukan kak.Yg Dwiya maksud itu bener..Arya yg masih sekola dan dulu di Qatar.Dia tmn skola aku kak :)"

Seinget aku sih pertama kali chat kita selalu ngomongin ttg gadget gitu dan sampe berlanjut obrolan kita lewat wall.Setelah lewat wall, kita berlanjut lagi di message.. Mungkin lebih enak lewat message kali ya..lebih privacy..
Arya Pranadipta Muharam Surya January 22 at 4:32pm
ya, ..ok sip..
next klo ktemu, jwb yg kmrn blm dijawab ya-
hha..baek2 ya cha' jgn sedih2 atau mikir yg bete2..

Nah ini nih pertama kali kita lanjut ke message. aku juga lupa apa yg kita sebelumnya omongin kok sampe dia blg "jwb yg kmrn blm dijawab" ???
woooww aku lupa apa itu.
well, i think this was after me and Iyo broke up.
Sbrnnya yg ini cuma bentar doang kita message2an.
Setelah sekian lamanya kita lose contact..
..hei apa kabarnya chay? msh inget ga ya sm arya..??
Icha Yahya May 26 at 4:54pm
finally u're back!
where have u been??
haha i was about to text u tomorrow :)

kabar chay baik2 aja.
kabar arya gmn?
tomorrow ada apa chay? arya ga ngeh ni..

arya baik chay, cuma emg lagi sibuk, krn mau UAS, hee
jd emg FB arya ga aktif chat nya..
klo komunikasi pk inbox aja
Icha Yahya May 26 at 5:01pm
oia yah lagi pada byk yg sibuk UAS.
emng kapan??
slesainya kpn?

tomorrow?? hehehe i have to go somewhere away from Qatar :P
blm UAS nya chay, tp byk tugas yg harus diselesein, dan waktunya mepet2 gt..tgl bbrp minggu lg udh hrs kelar..

oh mau vacation nih..cie2
tp ga ke jakarta chay? klo ke jakarta kita bisa jalan2 heehee
kmn nih..??

Yah begitu deehh.sampe kita ngomongin daging onta. Ternyata dia tau kebab onta hahaha
Nah setelah itu kan dia UAS.. jadi dia vakum bentar nge FBan..
yaah karna dia vakum, kita jadi bener2 lose contact lagi dehh..

Pada suatu malam, sekitar jam 4 subuh di jakarta. Kita comment2an di status fbnya.
Dan pada akhirnya kita lanjut di message lagi deh.
Arya Pranadipta Muharam Surya June 13 at 12:17am (waktu Qatar)
yap, msh ni soalnya kan mau naik semester Insya Allah jd gini deh, ga tdur.. udah makan? skrg jam brapa, maap lupa..hee

Icha Yahya June 13 at 12:20am
beda 4 jam dari jkrt hehee
uda makan dong haduu malah full bgt nih perut sampe2 tadi mau muntah ya amuun..parah deh gara2 di kasi makan ma mamanya tmn :)
but nevermind it was such a good food :)
anyway aria,i think u should take more rest before everything becomes messy :P
im actually sleepy right now but i can keep my eyes open just because of F**** FB..fb gets me so addicted.FB VIRUS!!


Dan sampe beberapa hr ini kita masih lanjut message2an. yah ga nyangka aja kita jadi sering bercerita ttg sehari2 kita lewat message ini.
Pernah sekali, pas sebelum ujian icha nge deactivate Facebook account icha. haha dan Arya lgsg smsin aku dan bertanya knp dgn Fb aku. yaudah aku jelasin kenapa dan apa alasannya. Dan sempet berlanjut lewat sms.

Huaaaa aku lagi ga tau deh gmn gitu.. Gini loh jeung, udah 2 hr ini dia belum bales huhuh jadi kepikiran aaaaah!
HADUUUUUUH GMNA YA?! aku awal2nya sempet berfikir ga mau jadi ketagihan dan kebiasaan bercerita ma dia. karna aku takut bakal ada rasa "suka".
Tapi ga tau kenapa tiap kali dia reply message aku, aku selalu ngebales DAN itu udah melakukannya without thinking. Udah ky kebiasaan bgt gitu deeeh~
Mau tau kenapa aku takut sampe ada rasa suka ma dia?Udah berpengalaman ya bok, aku dan iyo dulu juga awalnya message2an gini. ehh malah sampe suka2an gitu dan malah sampe pacaran.
Aku takut dong itu terulang lagi, karna...aku dan Arya jaraknya jauh ye..aku dimana dia dimana.
Tapi yang ada malaaah sekarang..saat ini aku sering nunggu balesan dr dia hahahaa tapi mungkin aku lagi ga ada kerjaan kali ya atau mungkin lagiiii...uhmm...hahaha ga tau deh..

Anyway, kalo liat dr fotonya Arya sih hahaha mukanya tuh ky awet muda gitu loh jeung.. seperti anak SMA gituu haha padahal umurnya mau ke 21 kan ye thn ini.Lucu deh~ hahhaa pengen deh majang foto dia cumaaa hahaha ga aaah!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Pernah ga sih kamu ga bisa tdr karna kangen ma seseorang yg mungkin dia cuma hanya sebentar aja ada di hidup kamu dan dia saat ini sedang jauuuh bgt dr kamu?mengingat masa lalu..yg entah itu memalukan ataupun menyedihkan :)
Yep, itu barusan semalem kejadian.

Nah jadi gini ceritanya.. ada seorang cowo yg namanya... hahaha lets call him as Badut :P
Waktu pertama kali ketemu dia tuh kalo ga salah di rumahnya..yah bener di rumahnya! Sebenernya rada lupa sih kapan pertama kali ketemu dia dan gimana. jujur aku lupa bgt cause it was ages ago. All i remember is that he came downstairs and greeted us then he went back upstairs. I think that was how we met. Actually, that time i didnt even bother about him. hahaha secara i was still 11 year-old. anyway, im trying to remember how aku dan badut bisa jadi akrab gitu. I think it was 2 or 3 years after we met. yeeah itu kejadiannya gara2 Mba Rini yg kenal dia lewat Msn/Mirc.Dulu sih ga pernah ada rasa suka atau gmn gitu. jadi gini loh jeung, setelah bazaar 2003 di AlGhazal Club. Ada beberapa gosip mengatakan kalo D suka ma aku hahaha yeep awalnya sih rada percaya ga percaya tapi yaudalah pasrah wessss.
Karna hasil kerja keras si "abang" yg memakai jurus jitu yg pada akhirnya aku gave up dan memilih untuk mencoba menjalani sebuah hubungan dgn D. tapi lama kelamaan kerasa juga sih yg namanya suka ma D.gmn2 dia pcr aku kan?yah walaupun bisa di bilang ngobrol di telf jarang2 dan smsan jg jarang2 dan hanya memakai internet sebagai komunikasi kita berdua,tp rasa suka sdkt demi sdkt timbul di hati ku *ceileee cuit cuit*..yah mari kita lanjut..nah terus kan si D (ngmng2 kok jadi ngmgin si D sih?)..ohh iya!back to Badut..nah selama aku ma si D, otomatis si "abang" gmn2 selalu ngebantu saya dan D untuk bertemu dll.sampe2 saya dan nenek saya nginep di Alkhor (yah sebenernya krn emang di ajak ma nyokapnya sih). Tapi gmn ya, walaupun saya pacaran ma si D tapi tinggal satu community,satu lingkungan,satu atap,satu kamar (loh??) ma si "abang", yang ada malah rasa suka ini muncul pada org "ini".karna pelan2 aku meliat tingkah asli dia kalo di rumah (yg kynya org lain tdk tau). Siang2 kita makanin dua kura-kura kesayangan dia,kura-kura kecil dan kura-kura besar. Dan setelah di kasih mam kula-kulanya, si abang malah lomba-in dua kula-kulanya.Yang ada malah kura2 kecil yg menang.Dalem hati sempet berkata, "hihi lucu jg yah dia.ternyata hobinya main ma kura2.pdhl udah gede gini :) ". yah saya rasa dr situlah saya memulai rasa suka ma dia dan sebenernya saya juga tidak menyadarinya saat itu juga.Bener,cukup lama saya tidak menyadarinya bahwa saya udah lama suka ma dia.karna slama saya pcrn ma D, saya cuma menganggap si abang cuma sebatas "sepupu" yg seperti org2 skitar mengira.walaupun setelah saya putus ma D, saya masih belum menyadari bahwa saya emang ada hati buat si abang.karna stlh saya putus ma D,saya langsung lanjut ma si M hahaha (nah ini dia, lari ke M lagi deh.Badutnya mana dong?)ok deh mari kita singkat saja..

Tahun ke tahun, bulan ke bulan, planet ke planet,hari ke hari..
Hingga sampe akhir thn 2006..dimana saya bener2 kaget ketemu dia di party bday tmn saya.Jujur,saat itu saya bener2 kaget.Tidak nyangka bakal ketemu dia yg dia udah tdk lagi di Qatar (kebetulan sehari sblm party saya sempat nangis gara2 kgn berat ma dia *lebay bgt sih pake nangis*). dan tanpa sadar, saya berteriak kencaaang sekali.sampe2 org2 yg di party berfikir "ada org gila lepas".Tapi tak apalah,biar kan anjing menggong2 saya tetep berteriak hahaaha *ga lah*.
Tepat pada tgl 1 january 2007, dia mengajak saya nonton di cinema City Center. *kok jadi pake "saya" ye?ky introgasi di kepolisian deh eike* saat itu eike ngajak esi dan iqbal nih ye(karna emang eike lagi good mood maka iqbal pun eike jemput bok).tapi entah kenapa yg kita tonton SAW 3.betapa tidak romantisnya hahaha. sekali lagi hati berkata, "tak apa lah.jarang2 dia ngajak nonton dan traktir aku".
Setelah aku merasa begitu bahagia, sejenak ada pikiran yg mampir ke otak ku "apa bener dia ngajak karna pgn nonton ma aku?atau mgkn dia berharap R jg dtg dan dia pgn pedekate ma R?apa dia cuma make aku supaya dia bisa deket ma R?" entah lahh!nama R selalu membuat aku cemburu jika mengingat ttg dia dan R.sekali lagi gpp, biarkan aku geer dan enjoy kebahagian ini.

Summer 2007 --summer yg terindah yg pernah aku alami sampe saat ini.
Emang bener aku dan Rn pacaran tapi entah kenapa aku bisa2nya pergi ma Badut dan bahkan nginep dirumahnya. Di tengah perjalanan kerumahnya dia sempat berkata,"cha, ka T lagi ga ada di Qatar loh.Dia lagi liburan di Malaysia.gmn cha?gpp?" Dalem hati,"OMG!! IS HE CRAZY OR WHAT?KENAPA PAS UDAH JAUH GINI BARU BILANG??TERUS NANTI SAMPE DIRUMAHNYA GMN?AKU MESTI GMN?GMN NGADEPIN ORTUNYA?GILA YA!PARAH DAH NIH ANAK." tapi aku hanya bisa diam di depannya dan berkata, "APA??SERIUS?GA USAH MAIN2 DEH BG!!ICHAA MAU PULANG!" ehh dia malah jawab, "bener cha!serius!yaudah kalo mau pulang abang stop-in disini ya..hehehe".. ihhh najis!sebenernya conversation ini bukan hanya aku dan dia berdua, tapi ada org ketiga juga hehe yaitu ka T**ra tapi di sensor aja ye Ka T**ranya :P
Sehari setelah aku nginep; nyokapnya,bokapnya,dia dan aku balik ke Doha.kita pergi ke rumah tante Tami buat makan bakso. sampe sana ternyata banyak ibu2.tau sendiri deh kalo udah ada ibu2,selalu ada gosip.BENER!stlh hari itu aku di gosipin pcrn ma dia. uhm gimana ya?kaget sih..iya, cuma kaget kaget senang gitu deh wakakaaka
Pokoknya summer 2007 bener2 summer yg indah. kita juga pergi ke sealine bareng tmn2 dia dan ka ayu. sebenernya itu summer yg menyusahkan juga, karna di sisi lain..."AKU KAN PCRNYA SI Rn??!!TIDAK TIDAK!tidak seharusnya aku begini.ini sama aja aku menghianati pacar ku.aku tidak bedanya ma G yg pernah menghianati aku!org yg pernah aku benci karna pernah begitu ke aku.tapi aku?ternyata aku sama saja ky G,si brengsek!ENGGA!ga mgkn lah aku sama ky G.lebih baik aku putusin aja si Rn dan lepaskan Badut.yah bener!lebih baik aku kehilangan dua2nya drpd aku serakah begini." Ini yg ada dlm pikiranku after i overjoyed myself dgn si Badut.Dan pada akhirnya aku kehilangan dua2nya!gpp,ini lebih baik drpd aku memiliki dua2nya. :)

Lagi lagi, awal thn 2009.. aku cuma sekali ketemu dia.Itu juga karna aku emang supaya ga "kepuhunan" --kata org banjar nih.Bahkan aku nge invite R,siapa tau pertanyaanku yg dulu2 kejawab dgn aku melihat R dan dia ketemu di dpn mataku sndiri.eeh yg ada malah bukan kejawab,aku malah kembali ke dulu yg nge enjoy diriku dan GR!gmn ga GR coba!dia isengin aku mulu selama ketemu,pake bilang mataku makin sipitlah,terus pas di cinema kaki ku di injek2lah, terus randomly kita dpt seat di cinema bersebelahan tapi kita sama2 tolak *kan depan org2 gengsi eike ye bok!* eeeeeessshhh!saat itu aku beda dgn sewaktu ma Rn.Emang bener saat itu aku ma Onyid pcrn,dan kita terpisah oleh jarak wakakaa..dia di indo,aku di Qatar tapi aku tetep kepikiran Onyid kok. Pulang2, aku berusaha tuk tdk terlalu kepikiran oleh Badut karna aku takut jika aku terlalu GR dan berakhir dgn yg tidak sesuai dgn HARAPAN..aku bisa hancur..hancur lebur berkeping2.hahaaahhaa

Sampe akhirnya Summer 2009,thn ini, BBQ di Messaid..3 hr sebelum hari itu tiba,aku udah diet mati2an supaya dia ga bilang "ihh icha gendutan deh" karna aku tau dia selalu nyadar kalo aku lagi GENDUT!
Tapi apa?!pas di hari H, dia tak mengherankan aku?!wakaka sedih bgt deh!pdhl aku udah sedikit2 caper gitu deh HAHAHAH well,sebenernya ada sih kita ngbrol2 bentar tapi itu cuma BENTAR!dalem hati berkata, "tak apa lah.aku udah bertemu dia.itu sudah cukup untuk membuatku gembira" --cape deh hahaha.

Dan sampe saat ini, sekarang.. aku tidak mau lagi berHARAP tinggi ma dia. karna aku takut..aku bener bener takut aku jadi hancuuur bgt karna HARAPAN yg pernah ada ga terjadi atau ga berlanjut lagi.aku berharap, "YA ALLAH SAYA TIDAK MAU GE ER LAGI.EMANG BERAT MENGHILANGKAN PERASAAN INI TAPI KU MOHON YA ALLAH UDAH CUKUP"


yep!here we go, this is my first post in my blog. hehe im really new to blogging world so i think i need to get used to it. well, the reason why i joined blog was because.. i wanted to share some world of me and my surroundings :P hahahhaa anyway, i have no idea what else to write right now cause im in a blank-mind :P :P