Sunday, June 19, 2011

Conversation between me and my boyfriend, Rayyan, last night on the phone.

Rayyan: Sayaaaang, kamu lagi apa?
Me: Aku lagi ngerjain tugas.
Rayyan: Tugas apa, sayang?
Me: Tugas Spiritual Development. :)
Rayyan: Hah?? Spiritual Development?
Me: Iya, perkembangan spiritual sayaaang.
Rayyan: Kamu itu belajar dukun apa ekonomi sih?
Me: ......awkward moment......

Saturday, June 18, 2011

People Around Us

In my environment, there are kinds of people. They have their varieties.
Some who like to procrastinate much, some who like to go faster or ahead, some are in the middle.
These contradictions may lead to conflicts. Why is it so? It's because when a person has to face the other person with a different interest they might not get along very well. But some people can adapt with others who have different interest. I am sure of that.

There's maybe a person who likes to make things exaggerated. I mean, overreacting when things happened to her/him. She/he may act a little too much when she/he shouldn't have to. Acting like it's something big happened when the fact it's not that big deal. Though this kind of person is like acting bee but her/his other personalities can be a good or positive one. We have to admit that.

Meanwhile, there's a person who likes to say something without even doing it. Let's say, a talking head. A talking head is when a person talks big (promise something) without even making it happen. This one person also likes to pretend much, of course. How do we know? What else than pretending when he/she doesn't do what she/he said.
In this case, it would be better if others just say okay when he/she said something to promise. She/he wouldn't do it anyway right?

The other one is a person who likes to listen or stay in the middle or stable.
She/he is usually the good listener. She/he positioned her/himself to be the middle person. That's a good thing actually.

Also, there's this different kind is that she/he prefers to be the cool one when things happened around. She still cares about the surroundings but just that she doesn't stick around a lot when small things happened.