Friday, January 29, 2010


Untuk sementara ngacir ke Tumblr dulu deh.
Vakum posting di blogspot :P

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pre-board exams are COMING SOON! I haven't prepared anything!! I AM SO USELESS!

I am useless =.=


I really really have no idea what to do for my own good. I don’t know where to go and what to do for my studies in future. Should I stay here in Doha or Indonesia???

I hate to choose.

I wanna take ITB because it’s a good opportunity that the admission exam is held in Doha. But I feel like I am not prepared for everything! WHY WHY WHY?? There are so many thoughts right now. I keep on wondering “what if this… what if that.. what if….” but I haven’t done anything at all! Can you imagine that? What’s gone wrong with my brain? I’m taking things slightly!! I can’t do anything right. I am such a useless person.

>Ichay! Don’t be confused please.. Allah will always show you the way if you pray istikharah and have faiths. All you have to do right now is to DO YOUR BEST, and let God do the rest.. I know it’s easy for me to say, but it’s true.. Take me as an example ;P remember how confused I was when I applied to more than 10 different universities? And remember the time when some of them gave me a reply at the same time and I had to choose? All I did that time was praying.. you know what, I’ll call you now <3 :)

ps. you are not useless at all! <3

Di atas adalah message dari Umaira Nisa aka Ccha yg sedikit membantu gw. Makasih Ccha <3 <3 <3
Gw ga tau deh gw jadi apa kalo ga ada lo saat ini. Gw pgn lo bantu gw sobat :(
Love you

Monday, January 25, 2010

A guy who comes to me when I fall into darkness, is the one who truly loves me.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Waking up in early morning (on Friday)

It's 9:00 am now and I dont know what to do. I am waiting for Fatima to come and pick me up. We have to check our IP project again. We didn't even know that we are supposed to give the project with CD so that the examiner can really see if the project working. You know what Fatima did on her project? She edited the screenshot of her Visual Basic forms by Paint so it'd look like an output of it. Hahaha She thought she was smart but the examiner is smarter! Hahaha.

So my plan for today is; doing IP project at Fatima's house. That will be till evening maybe. But I really am hoping to finish it as early as we can. Nor because I am sleepy but I hate doing stuffs related to school during my weekend :( Maybe I am too lazy.

Talking about laziness, I realized that me is getting very very very lazy since winter vacation. I don't work out a lot so Mr. Tomato getting HUGE. (You're not thinking two tomatoes right?) Mr. Tomato is my tummy. :(

Alright, I have to get ready and try to install the CD of SQL program from Anoop.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fly to the sky (Si Jenggot dan Si Ndut)

Kalo gw dan Ccha ngomongin ttg si jenggot dan si ndut, udah deh kita bisa teriak2 histeris sampe bangunin tetangga sebelah. hahaha emang kesannya lebay sih, tapi emang ini kenyataannya. hahaha (ketawa mulu)

Beberapa hari yg lalu, gw dan Ccha ngobrol di telf. Awalnya sih ngomomgin ttg adeknya, terus pindah ke Kuya, dan pada akhirnya kita lari ke cowo2 yg pernah kita adore. Well, bukan yg "pernah" kita adore sih.. yg sampe skrg "masih" kita adore.
They are like our prince charming hahahaha. Si Ccha bilang gini, "eh chay, sadar ga sih lo kalo mereka berdua mirip gitu? Maksudnya, mrk sama2 mempunyai raut wajah yg cowo banget. Ya kan chay? Cuma punya lo ndut dibanding punya gw!" HAHAHAHHAHAHA Iya juga sih kalo di pikir2. Hahahaha. Punya gw lebih berisi atau bisa dibilang MONTOK?woow. It's okay gw suka kok ma yg montok2 dibanding ma yg kurus banget ky papan. :S

Kita selalu bilang, "wah kalo mereka nembak udah deh langsung lamar aja deh nikah. kita terima kok!" hahaha. Secara ortu Ccha udah ga 1000 kali mikir lagi kalo Ccha jadi ma si jenggot hahahaa. Yah gw ma si ndut sih kadang suka on-off. Ortu dia setuju sih, apalagi ortu gw. Pernah, ternyata nyokapnya dan mama ngebahas ttg kita hahaha haduuuu sumpa pas gw dikasih tau mama, gw girang banget! Kata mama, nyokapnya bilang gini, "Icha buat ***** ya". AWWWWWWWW *blushing* Hahahaa. Gpp kan gw seneng skrg? Memang bener, dia mungkin saja bukan jodoh gw nanti. Tapi mari berdoa lah. Amin.

Ccha pernah bilang kalo dia sempet ga habis pikir kenapa dia kok pengen si jenggot jadi suaminya padahal ga seperti biasanya dia begitu ke cowo. Setuju cha! Gw juga sering ga habis pikir deh kenapa gw suka ngerasa kalo si ndut itu punya gw. Maksudnya dia bakal jadi suami gw hahahaha (ini feeling atau ngarep?)
Yah sebenernya, pembicaraan antara gw dan si ndut itu udah menjadi rahasia umum. Semua org2 terdekat juga udah pada tau. Ada beberapa org yg tidak setuju kalo gw ma dia. Katanya sih karna dia sekolah di luar negri jadi kurang agamanya. Iya sih kalo di pikir2 emang bener. Uhm ga tau deh. Kadang gw jadi suka ragu ma tuh cowo. Dia tuh sebenernya tipe cowo yg serius ga sih ma cewe? Ahhh kadang gw bener2 ga habis pikir sampe geleng2 kepala 100 kali.

Kata orang nih, kita kalo lagi jatuh cinta bisa bikin semua terasa indah. Memang ini yg gw dan Ccha rasakan setiap kali kita ngebahas ttg si jenggot dan si ndut. Kita menjadi bahagia bgt seolah membawa kita ke alam mimpi dan sejenak melupakan kehidupan nyata kita. Trust me, memikirkannya bareng2 ma Ccha bisa menghilangkan rasa stres atau masalah yg kita sedang hadapi di depan mata. Mungkin ini satu2nya cara dan jalan terbaik buat menghilangkan stres atau pikiran yg lagi mumet kita untuk sekejap. Dengan ini saja bisa membuat mood kita kembali ke stabil.

Apakah bener cinta bisa buat kita gila?
Cinta bisa membuat kita hidup bergairah hanya dgn memikirkannya. Ini bener2 bikin gila. Tapi.... cinta memang ramuan yg paling jitu untuk menyembuhkan sakit kita ya?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cruise and Fall/Winter 2009-2010,16

Chanel Fall/Winter 2009-2010.
*Pleated iridescent silk mousseline blouse.
*Pleated iridescent silk mousseline blouse with silk petal colar and cuffs.
*Double satin long draped skirt.
*Braided fantasy knit boater hat.
*Crumpled silk bi-color camellia.
*Velvet goatskin belt with resin and glasstone jeweled buckle.

Chanel Cruise 2009-2010
Do you know that Coco Chanel was the one who made stripes shirt in? It's because she saw a fisherman wearing it.

Chanel Pink Leather Quilted Handbag

Vintage Chanel Bags 2009

Authentic Chanel Red Quilted Leather Flap Bag

Authentic Chanel Black Quilted Lamb Leather Shoulder Bag

This is the bag that I have been wanting since last year. I wish I were rich so that I could buy it huhuhuhuh I fell in love with this bag at my first sight. It so LUXURIOUS! OH MOMMAAAH T_T

Monday, January 18, 2010

Yijing's Style :P

Yes the picture above is my friend. Her name is Yijing Huang hahahahha peace Jing :P
I seriously like her style that day. It's so winter hehehe. Looking so cuuuute <3
So oriental :P :P :P

Anyway, the shoes is UGG knitted Classic Cardy, and her bag is GUCCI joy shopping bag. Her top is long brown knitted sweater with black stocking :)

I find it cute :P

Lo tuh bener2 ngerepotin org2 satu kampung, tau ga sih??IHHH CAPE

Jujur yah baru pertama kali nya di hidup gw ada seseorg yg bener2 aneh deh. Ya ampun.
Si spongebob kenapa tuh? Ckckck. Bisanya cuma ngerepotin org2 satu kampung ye.
Tadi nih barusan nyokapnya telf dan kebetulan gw yg angkat. Mau cari si Boy tapi dia tidur jadi deh tanya2 dan curhat dikit ke gw. Ya Allah, bener2 dah tuh cowo. Kenapa ya? Dia tuh kekanak2an banget sumpah. Cuma masalah sepele, dia ngambek sama semua org terus ga mau skola dr kapan gitu. Ckckck. Bener2 aneh!
Untung kali ini gw udah biasa banget ma tuh org. Jadinya bodoh dia mau mati kek atau lompat kek. Pura ga tau menau aja dah. Ga tau deh, gw udah bener2 cape juga ma tuh anak. Mau peduli yah takut dia responnya ga jelas atau ganas mending kaga usah daripada gw sakit hati dan dia makin dosa. Aaaargh jadi bikin kepikiran ma tuh anak. Kenapa sih pas gw lagi tidak mau deket lagi ma dia malah jadi begini? (Yaudahlah ga usah di pikiran cha).
Sekarang gw udah bener2 tidak peduli lagi dah ma tuh org. Tapi ga enak ma si tante :(
"Tante, andai tante bisa kasar sedikit ma dia biar dia tau kalo tante udah cape juga. Anak ky dia emang harus di hajar, tante. Tante jangan kalah dong hehehe :) Love you tante."

Gw bener2 jadi kasian ma orgtuanya. Kenapa sih tuh anak kaga bisa ngertiin org lain? Maunya dia melulu yg dimengerti. Selalu aja ujung2nya salahin org lain, ga pernah nyadar ma kesalahan sendiri. Seharusnya dia tuh untung punya ortu yg kaga main pukul, sabar, mau mencoba tuk ngertiin dia. Ehhh dianya malah bertingkah. ANEH BENER2.
Gw kalo jadi bonyoknya sih udah gw tabok aja. Kan lama2 bisa hilang kesabaran gw. Aih tuh bocah tuh bocah! Cape deh.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

What's a real bestfriend?

Ternyata memang bener, sahabat terbaik itu adalah keluarga.
Mama pernah berkata bahwa sahabat lelaki itu tidak pernah ada. Gw dulu sama sekali tidak mengerti maksud mama apa. Tapi skrg gw ngerti. Ternyata perkataan mama itu bener. Gimana gimana lelaki dan perempuan itu beda. Mereka beda jenis, mereka sama sama punya nafsu, punya hati&rasa. Jadi percaya ga sih kalo sahabat lelaki atau lawan jenis itu murni? Atau mereka jadi sahabat karna mereka ada maunya? Mereka akan melupakan atau meninggalkan kita sewaktu mereka menemukan seseorg yg mereka lebih cintai dan saat itu kita akan sadar apa arti persahabatan kita selama ini?

Mba Rini juga pernah bilang bahwa di dunia ini tidak ada yg namanya "sahabat". Kenapa? Kadang sahabat itu, musuh kita juga. Karena sahabat kita sendiri lah yg melukai, menyakiti, menusuk kita dr belakang. Walaupun ini tidak selalu terjadi tapi hal ini pernah di alami oleh beberapa orang (especially teenagers). Mungkin sekitar 70% orang didunia ini pernah mengalami yg namanya di khianati sahabatnya sendiri. Contoh, pacar/suami ternyata selingkuh dgn sahabat sendiri atau mantan di embat si sobat. Sekarang pikir deh, apa ini yg namanya sahabat? Atau real bestfriend yg udah bertahun2 bersahabat? Sahabat tidak seharusnya melakukan ini terhadap kita kan? Kita selalu bilang ke sobat kita kalo kita ini bener2 sahabat. Tapi apakah ini cuma sebuah janji atau perkataan yg manis di bibir saja? Sahabat adalah segala-gala nya. Apa itu bener? Kita tidak pernah tau apa yg akan terjadi kepada friendship kita suatu hari nanti kan? Jadi janganlah terlalu berlebihan dalam persahatan. Persahabatan itu bukan hanya untuk status atau buat pamer ke orang2. Sahabat yg pernah mengkhianati kita, jika kita ragu untuk tetep berteman ma dia, maka sebaiknya kita tinggal kan saja. Kita berhak kok untuk memilih berteman. Mencari teman yg baik ga salah kan?

Attitudes,personalities atau life style kadang bergantung dengan lingkungan.Persahabatan akan membawa kita ke lingkungan yg berbeda. Maka jika kita salah bergaul akan nge-affect diri kita. Kita bisa jadi nakal dll. Ini akan merusak masa depan kita juga. Perhaps, merusak your whole life! Karena sekali berubah menjadi seseorg yg berbeda maka sulit akan berubah lagi untuk menjadi yg baik. And for that we have to wait for another thousand years.

PS: This is not based on my real experiences but I have seen many such things. So I post this to share with everyone <3

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Bye Bye Spongebob

Bye bye Spongebob. It's time for me to leave Bikini Bottom. You have to stay still in Bikini Bottom okay? I will be no more Shandy but Pluto.

Spongebob, you are always annoying. I really hate your attitudes. You will never gonna change. You act like you are cool and tough while you're not. You act stupid like innocent little boy while you're evil. You act like you need someone besides you while you are just using them. What do you really want Spongebob? Can you do something better than hurting others? It's a good thing that I am leaving you. Well, I have already left you actually. Yes, you are no more in my mind. You are erased by Earth.
I am Pluto now. Pluto doesn't know Spongebob. So get a life Spongebob! You must change or else no one wants to be friends with you. Someday Patrick might leave you and you will be all alone in a dark room.

Good bye Spongebob. It's the end of our story now.


The above posting shows I am in my "wonder land". I have my imagination world hahaha Hey I am still normal. I refer people I know as someone else or I gave them new names. As I like making names for people in my blog,this is why I named my blog as Wonderlalaland. Once Earth asked me why I named this blog as Wonderlalalaland, honestly I could not answer him properly that time cause I had no idea the reason behind this name. Now I got the answers to it. Thanks for making me search for a reason, Earth.

Ever since I named myself as Pluto, I am getting curious of a planet called Pluto which is now an astronomer named it as Plutoid(s). I have surveyed a little information about it. It says that Pluto is now out of the solar system - means that Pluto is no more exist.
Now I really do feel like I am Pluto - I am invisible. Earth could not see me. HAHAHAHAHA

Hey, I am confident writing about Earth because I know he would not read my blog. So it's fine :)

Clown Pants

Ladies hang out is always FUN! I dont know since my relationship status changed to single, I like hanging out with just GIRLS. Hey, don't ever think that I am getting into a lesbian world!!NO NO NO.

Today me, Ccha, Poppy and Yijing (Yijing is back from China anyway) went to Villaggio to buy Yijing a gift for her bday which was on December. The gift was given late :( We're sorry. So we told her to have a look on what she wanted but she said she almost got everything. Uhm we went to Saphora - a place for make up requirements and perfumes etc. She finally got what she liked, that is, eye shadows :D :D
I did not even see how the eye shadows looked like though :(

On our way to food court, I got a phone call from a strange number. I heard a guy's voice when I answered. "Hey Icha. How are you?" I was about to reply, "Hey. Is this Jeremy?" but I kept it inside my head when he rushed in by saying "I am Husam". I really thought it was Jeremy cause he said that he's coming to Doha by this month or later.

Around 5 pm, Husam and Moody tagged along with us. They left at 5:44 pm cause they said they had to do something and we also had to leave Villaggio by 6 pm.

We went to Souq Waqif afterwards. We were actually planning to study or do assignments there. Since we stayed for only less or more than one hour so we stopped in the middle and talked about love. hahaha it was interesting. But yeah, annoying a little.

OKAY!my pants looks like a clown's =.=

I reached home by 9:30s pm then I straight away went to my laptop cause I remembered that I forgot to sign out my MSN. There were 7 windows. Oops sorry :(
Few mins after, Husam online. We talked about stuffs he's been doing ie music.
He sent me a youtube video link. It was his. He said that he is making songs of his own :)
So we were webcaming and he sang his new song.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Webcaming with Mikael Arthur in Phuket

Last night when my boredom started to hit to the max, suddenly Mikael Arthur's online notification on MSN showed up.
"There you go, he's here. I gotta ask him a lot about his vacation. I am sure he has fun with the ladyboys out there." Yes, he is in Thailand with Faisal (aka Big Daddy) and Haji.
Mike asked me if I want to see him through cam. So he put on the cam and WOOOOW I was a bit surprised to see his new look. I even asked him whether he got new hair or not but he said he did not cut his hair since he left Doha maybe it's because we haven't seen each other for awhile that's what made me think that he changed his look.

Here is the picture of us :P :P :P

Suuuush this is supposed to be a secret he said hahaha :P :P :P :P
Love your new look Mike <3

Laurel's Pluto Blog

Hey everyone :)

There's a great news. I just got a Pluto Blog of Laurel. Her blog is informative, I love it.
Check hers :

Below is one of Laurel's postings. I am really getting interested in Planets now. Especially when I read her blog :) Anyway, I am not an astronomy student or such, I am just an ordinary student who just got interested in Pluto because of "someone" hehehehe.

"I am an astronomy graduate student, amateur astronomer and writer, and I am writing to you to express my dismay over your booking Mike Brown to speak in a November 14 lecture titled "How I Killed Pluto, and Why I Had It Coming." Specifically, my concern is that Brown represents only one side of a very much ongoing debate over the status of Pluto and definition of planet, yet he misrepresents his point of view as the only legimitate one in the astronomy community.

In his blog "Mike Brown's Planets," Brown has repeatedly denied that a debate even exists, claiming over and over again that everyone has accepted the "new" eight-planet solar system when this is completely untrue. Several hundred professional astronomers signed a formal petition rejecting the IAU decision; their petition can be found here: . ......... "

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Penemuan Terbaru Mengenai KANKER HATI

Penyebab utama kerusakan hati adalah :

1. Tidur terlalu malam dan bangun terlalu siang adalah penyebab paling utama.

2. Tidak buang air besar pada pagi hari.

3. Pola makan yang terlalu berlebihan (Daging panggang, sate, dan gorengan / minyak goreng yang tidak sehat. Sedapat mungkin kurangi penggunaan minyak goreng untuk menggoreng makanan, hal ini juga berlaku meski menggunakan minyak goreng terbaik sekalipun seperti olive oil….) Masakan yang digoreng harus dimakan habis saat itu juga, jangan disimpan..

4. Tidak makan pagi.

5. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi obat-obatan atau bahkan Narkoba.

6. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi bahan pengawet, zat tambahan (penyedap rasa), zat pewarna, pemanis buatan.

7. Mengkonsumsi masakan mentah atau dimasak ½ matang.

8. Merokok atau menjadi perokok pasif.

Lanjutan ada di:

Jupiter is Giant, Pluto is Dwarf

"It has never before been necessary for any organisation to define a word that has been in common every day use so I see no reason why it was necessary on this occasion"
, The Telegraph quoted Dr David Morrison, director of the NASA Lunar Science Institute in California, as saying.

He added:
"Astronomers use adjectives such as giant and dwarf to describe different subclasses of objects like planets, stars and galaxies, so why could Pluto not remain as a dwarf planet just as Jupiter is a giant planet"


Okelah kalo begitu

Masa lalu tetaplah masa lalu. Jadi kan lah kesalahan di masa lalu sebagai pelajaran supaya tidak terulang lagi dan tidak ada rasa sesal di masa depan


Booooo!The party was off last night! It was totally boring. I felt like I was out of place.
It was a good thing that kuya Oba, Jayson and Sweet-Bottom were nearby the place so they could accompany me and pick me up :)
Seriously, at that time I wish there was a prince charming who would take me away or steal me away with his white horse! hahaha. Ooops, day-dreaming.

Today I did not go to school cause I was so dizzy when I woke up this morning. I did not get enough sleep since yesterday :(
Anyhow, during my sleep I felt like I was haunted by school (especially my business teacher). Around 8 am, someone called our land line phone 4 times but I purposely did not answer it. I was scared if that was my teacher huhuhu.

I remember that I had dreams in my sleep last night but I totally forgot what it was. Wait a minute.... Yes yes I am sure there was someone-I-know appeared in my dream but (again) I have no idea who he/she is.
The only thing I remembered when I woke up today was Earth hahaha I kept on asking myself if Earth really left or not. It seemed like I did not believe it. Perhaps, I did not want to admit it. You know why? Cause during his stay here I did not get even ONE CHANCE to meet him. WHATEVER!FORGET IT! This is not important anyway. BWHAHAHAHAHA.
Oh yeah, now I am fine posting about him cause I am sure he won't read my blog. He will be busy there. HAHAHHA APA SIH?LEBAAAAY~

Oke lah kalo begitu.

Jadi udah beneran balik ya?

Jadi bener ya Earth balik??Hahahhaa kenapa sih gw jadi ga yakin gini?
Selama dia bolak balik kesini, baru kali ini kita ga ketemu sama sekali hahaha aneh deh.
Anyway, semoga si Earth masih tetep baca2 blog gw hahahaha

Take care disana :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Semakin Hari Semakin Ga Bisa Tidur

Lagi lagi hari ini tidur siang gw terganggu. Mama jemputin gw jam 2an, terus nongkrong di depan skola buat nunggu si Poppy karna dia ada computer science practical exam slesai jam 3. Gw dan mamah ketiduran di mobil sangking kita bedua cape banget. Pas lagi mau nyenyak tdr, ehh tiba2 si Poppy dateng gedor2 pintu aaarrrgh!
Sumpaaa gw kaget banget, sampe sampe nih kepala pusiiiiiing.

Sampe rumah, gw langsung mandi keramas nih dan berencana mau tidur.Dan alhasil malah makin ga bisa tdr karna rambut masih basah kuyup.
Ohya, ga lama kemudian si Oba sms gw ngajak refreshing.Gw bilang aja gw ada party malam ini dan gw ada feeling pasti dia lagi keluar ma Ccha buat refreshing karna si Ccha dr kmrn ngajak refreshing mulu.Anyway, pas mau mencoba untuk tidur si Boy masuk kamar mau ngasih liat video kucing lucu. Di pertengahan si AK telf lagi dan kita ngobrol bentar sambil dia tanya2 kalo gw dtg apa engga. And somehow kita excited gitu hahaa ga jelas deh! =.=

Secara gw lagi bingung dan ada pikiran bahwa si Earth mau cabut dan itu makin bikin gw ga bisa tidur deh. Yaudah gw sms si oba buat gabung ma dia dan Jayson. Ternyata dia mau jemputin Ccha dulu. Sampe skrg belum sampe sini deh.

Nah gw ol di msn nih skrg, hahaha ternyata bener si Earth hari ini balik ke negara kangaroo.
Yah ga seru deh ga sempet ketemu :(

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ha?Judulnya Putus ya?

Di waktu gw chat ma Earth, tiba2 Onyid datang di fb chat dan lgsg mengirim ini

Onyid bilang gini:
dngerin deh
membawamu kembali disampingku

OMG! Tuh lagu kan yg sering dulu kita dengerin kalo di mobil. Tiap kali KELUAR tuh lagu selalu setia menemani kita di mobil hahaa sampe berapa kali puter deh. Lama2 gw juga hafal ma tuh lagu :)

Anyway, si Earth apa apaan sih. huhuhu iseng banget pake sebut "Pluto" segala. aaaiiiiiihhhhh udaaaah aaaaah. Oh ya, Esi pernah bilang kalo dia pernah ketemu dia dari jauh di VG, Boy & Ccha juga udah ketemu dia, dan bahkan Kuya Oba ketemu dia kemaren. Naaah gw kok ga ketemu2 ya? Ga takdir berarti hahaha


Jam setengah 4 sore tadi ada yg telf, gw udah ga ngecek lagi deh nomernya ternyata si Annet. Dia ngebahas soal H&M dress yg gw beli kemaren terus....dia bilang apa lagi ya?Gw ketiduran deh pas dia ngomong panjang lebar jadinya cuma jawabnya," yes yes. oh really?ok yes yes" Gw bener2 ngantuk :(

Setelah gw slesai ngobrol ma Annet dan skitar 15 menit-an, ada telf masuk lagi. Padahal gw udah kelelep nih. Spontan gw langsung angkat tanpa melihat nomer. Ternyata suara cowo, sempet bertanya2 siapa sih tuh org. Berhubung gw lagi ngantuk banget dan males tanya2 yaudah deh diem aja. Then, tuh org lgsg bilang gini,"Hey it's me, AK. I am having a party tomorrow. Please come! YOU MUST COME OKAY!IT'S A MUST!" I was like,"OK OK OK!YES YES I WILL." Terus dia bilang,"Are you sleeping?" "Hu-uh" "Oops, I am really sorry blablablabla". Gw udah ga inget deh apa lagi yang dia omongin. Udah ga konsen secara otak lagi tidak berfungsi.

Ya ampuuuuun, ga tau kenapa belakangan sering banget tidur gw terganggu. Udah pernah gw ceritain ga ya?Beberapa hari yg lalu juga ada nih kejadian begini. Lagi mimpi indah tiba2 ada yg telf dan membuyarkan mimpi indah gw, nah gw kira siapa gitu atau urgent kek yaudah deh gw lgsg angkat ternyata si Ka Choliq. ASTAGHFIRULLAAAAAAH! Jujur, gw udah bete bete bete. Sampe mau lanjut tidur rada susah gara2 kebawa kesel gitu. Hadu beneran deh! Ya Allah T_T

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Got Flip Flop from Kuya. YAAAY!

Bell Bell. "It must be Ccha and Oba"
Yes, it was them at the door. They came around 4:30s pm. At that time,I was doing my project which I felt like it'd never end.
I was surprised when I saw Bro Michael Abiera (aka Kuya Oba)'s right arm covered with a blue thing (i dont know what it is called).He couldn't move his arm.Well, I thought his arm would be totally fine after the operation.

Anyway, he said, "check out my bag and see what I brought you and Pops from Philipine". OMG! He got us flip flops!!!! IT'S CUUUUUTE I LOVE IT <3 Thank youuuu Kuyaaa though it's bigger but it's fine. I love the design anyway <3

So what do you think?cute heh?It's size 8 (male size) hiks

Oh yeaaah, I also got a bracelet from Tria but I guess I am gonna put the picture later cause I haven't taken it yet.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Bagaikan Earth and Pluto

Ga seharusnya "dia" baca blog ini kan? Jujur banget deh, gw ga mau "dia" baca blog gw.

Alright, gw cape pake "dia" an segala. Let me mention his name deh, but unspecific name aja ya; AN.
AN. Gw udah cukup lama kenal ma dia, dr pertama kali gw minggat ke negara ini hingga saat ini. Keluarga kita juga lumayan deket. Belakangan gw ngerasa ada sedikit perubahan di dia semenjak dia pindah ke negara kangaroo. Oke deh cerita yang ini ga usah di lanjut ye.

Alasan gw kenapa ga mau dia baca blog ini karna gw ngerasa dia akan memberi komentar bahwa blog ini hanya sampah. Apa mungkin gw nya aja yg terlalu berpikir yg engga2?Tapi ini yg skrg gw pikirin setelah gw tau dia baca blog gw. Ga tau deh, mungkin pikiran gw lagi rada kacau aja kali ya karna byk hal lain yg masih kepikiran juga.

Uhhhh kalo di pikir2 lagi ya, sebenernya ada apa sih ma gw? Gw juga ga ngerti.
Wait, gw mesti sadar kalo gw ma dia emang bagaikan langit dan bumi atau mungkin bagaikan Earth and Pluto.
Yep, seperti planet pluto yg kecil,jauh dan terpencil pula. Planet Pluto yg pelan pelan menghilang dari galaxy dan tidak terlihat oleh planet planet lainnya.Beda sama planet Earth, yang selalu dikelilingi planet planet lain dan terang karena sinar matahari dan bulan.
I have doubt deh, sinar matahari sampe ga sih ke Pluto? Sepertinya tidak.
Pluto berarti gelap dong?Gimana bulan?Kebagian ga ya sinar bulan di Pluto? Sepertinya, tidak juga. Iya, Pluto itu gelap sehingga planet planet lain tidak menyadari keberadaannya. Tapi gw yakin, Pluto akan tetap ada walaupun tidak dihiasi oleh sinar matahari dan bulan. Dan itu udah terbukti kan?
Gw juga yakin suatu hari nanti Pluto akan mendekat ke planet planet lain. Tidak lagi terpencil seperti skrg. Tapi itu akan memerlukan waktu yg lama. Hanya waktu yg bisa membantu semua itu.


Kata seseorang yg baca blog gw nih ya, gpp maki2 dia di blog ini.


Bismillah, semoga mulai hari ini saya tidak larut oleh2 hal yg ga penting lagi ya Allah. AMIN YA ROB <3

PS: kynya gw mesti vakum nge net deh. bukan gw lebay ya, gw pgn vakum juga bukan karna siapa2.tapi karna gw sibuk ngurus project,skola blablabla deh.

ADD (10 Jan 2010 at 20:10 pm):

Sorry yah buat yg ngerasa kalo post ini buat kamu. Icha cuma lagi emosi banget aja waktu i

Lingeries or Bikini for Yijing?

Ladies and gentlemen, I want to share about what happened today with the girls (+ Tria).

There were only 4 girls for the ladies out today ie me, Poppy, Ccha and Tria (Poppy's friend). So first time when we arrived Villaggio,we visited Moa. Moa is a small shop which is not so popular either cheap enough to buy shoes, bags, belts, and some accessories. Uhm the qualities is quite bad, I guess. So I never bought anything from there.

Second Shop: H&M.
We were surprised that H&M - SALE 50% OFF. WOOOOW!
Right when we entered H&M, there were shirts written at the top - QR 39.With no hesitation, I took the grey shirt. I didn't even check the size :(
I roamed around the shop but I got none (only one shirt). Then I went to the other section, there were flat shoes but NO SALE. I was going to leave that section but when I checked the price of the shoes, it was a good price, QR 49. So I picked the gold-black leopard. I actually wanted to buy non-flat shoes but it cost QR 120, of course, I changed my mind hahaha.

the white polka dot thing next to the flat shoes is a clothbrush

the shirt is simple but i fell in love with it at first sight hahaha

Third Shop: Claire's.
We did not even know that Claire's has sale too. We went to Claire's because Tria wanted to buy bracelets for her boyfie's sister. Me, Poppy and Ccha saw cute sunglasses and we tried them all. AND AND THE PRICE WRITTEN WAS QR20 BUT IN THE CASHIER, QR 5. Do you think we're lucky?hehe Alhamdulillah.

Fourth Shop: Zara.
We actually did not get anything from Zara cause the prices are a bit expensive. The shirts are cost around QR 60s and more. WHAT THE! so no mood for buying those.

Fifth Shop: Manggo.
Me and Ccha picked 3 jeans, one of them is harem jeans. It looked funny on me at first but when I tried Ccha's size. It,somewhat, looked good especially when I put Ccha's belt on. Im in looooooooooove with it :) Moreover, it's only for QR 99! WOOOOW!

Sixth Shop: Body Shop.
Anyway, our plan was actually to get Yijing a bday gift. But we did not get anything!! Ccha had a thought of buying lingeries for Yijing.HAHAHAHAHA. But we knw that it wasnt a good idea cause Yijing might not like it. YES YES!
So we went to Body Shop to see whats good for her. We got what we wanted - Strawberry or Cherry flavour. It's a set of it with shower gel,perfume,body lotion etc. Cute huh? <3

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Dor dor dor dor. Inilah suara ketukan pintu kamar mandi saya di setiap pagi. Ini selalu terjadi kalo ayah sedang ada dirumah.
Kita selalu berantem rebutan kamar mandi either me yg masuk duluan atau ayah.

"Chaaa cepetan keluar!ayah udah kebelet berak nih", mama ikut2an berteriak.
Haduu bisa kebayang deh betapa hebohnya nih rumah kalo di pagi hari.
"Iya bentaaaar!", saya menjawab.

Keluar dr kamar mandi, "haduu ayah, kenapa sih ga pake kamar mandi satunya aja. Kan bisa tuh." Ayah dengan spontan menjawab, "GUNDUL MU!". I was like, gleg gleg *nelan ludah*
Tau ga sih, saya paling sensi dgn kata "GUNDUL". Mau tau kenapa? Karena waktu kecil,sekitar umur 2-3, thn saya pernah di gundul 'mengkilat' gara2 kepala alergi kebanyakan makan mie. Kasian ya saya? hahaha untung skrg ga gundul lagi deh. Haiiaaah kebayang deh kalo skrg saya gundul. Mau licin apa jilbab saya?Nanti jatuh melulu jilbabnya.

Yah begitu lah kisah tragis saya di setiap pagi. Yah ga setiap pagi sih, cuma pagi ini dan pas kebetulan ayah ada dirumah aja.


I guess I will have to wait for my exams to get over and then go shopping afterwards. I know I know, I have to save my money buuuuut it's been quite long for me not spending money for shopping. So PUHLEASE let me go shopping okaaaay ? :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Parah deh. Hari ini ujian ada yg mengganggu pikiran saya hingga membuyarkan konsentrasi saya :( :(

Setelah ngobrol ditelf ma tuh cowo kenapa dia jadi sering muncul di otak gw??Yang paling nyebelinnya lagi kenapa pas di UJIAN???IIIIHHH sumpaaaaaa nyebelin parah tau ga sih!

Selesai ujian, gw berdiri di gate. More surprisingly, si AK tiba2 lewat tarataratara hahahahaha gw sampe kaget, "AK!??" "Hey Niessa"
Dipikir2 lagi, ihh tuh org tingginya sama ma org yg nelf gw wkt itu. Tapi si AK item banget! Hahaaha kalo dipikir2 si AK kok skrg jadi lumayan ya?hahahha suuuush ga boleh! :D :D Mau tau kenapa ga boleh? Si temen kynya naksir deh ma dia. Meeen I have to sacrifice again??hahaha but it's ok. Teman lebih penting!
Oia oia oia, gw baru inget kalo si AK telf gw pas jam 12 di tgl 1 January to say "Happy New Year" awww.

Pas perjalan pulang tadi nih, gw ada rencana mau ngeblog ttg si mantan. Seinget gw sih dia pernah bilang gini, "Ngeblog ttg aku doooong hehehe"
Ok deeeeh aku pasti ngeblog ttg kamu. Tapi.... hehehe ga tau kapan. Soalnya butuh wkt buat nyusun kata2nya *dihhh haha* alias butuh waktu buat mengingat kenangan kita dulu BWAHAHAHHAA NGAKAK*

Yowes lah begini dulu saja. It's time for me to change and take off my uniform ewww then sleep ;)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Raditya Dika

Gw cukup berkesan setelah nge stalk blog milik Raditya Dika. Gw jadi penasaran ma tuh cowo setelah gw nonton film Kambing Jantan punya dia. Film itu sungguh bagus. Gw suka banget acting dan isi ceritanya bukan hanya karna lucu tapi cukup berisi dan sangat berkesan “wow” buat karya dia. Dia selalu berkata bahwa dirinya adalah mahasiswa yg bodoh tapi gw tetep proud of him karna dia memiliki keahlian untuk berkarya dlm bercerita. Mungkin dia org yg gagal dlm belajar tapi dia tidak gagal dalam hal lainnya. Dia juga sangat sayang kepada keluarganya dan pacarnya - Sherina Munaf. Yang bikin gw envy him adalah optimis yg dia miliki. Walaupun dia gagal dlm satu hal dia tetep mencoba hal lain yg membangun dia menjadi seperti skrg. Karya tulis dia membuat gw untuk mencoba suatu hal yg baru atau bisa di bilang membuat gw menggalih talent gw yg gw sendiri juga tidak tau.

Okay, the last posting yg gw baca di blog dia, dia memberi tips untuk berkreatif dlm blog. Tips ini sungguh informative. Mungkin lo lo pada yg suka membaca blog, gw saranin tuk baca blog dia karna selain informative juga dpt menghibur dgn posting2 random dia. hahaha. I think that’s it.

Here is the link :

Friday, January 1, 2010

Awal Tahun Yang Lumayan Berkesan

Kerjaan hr ini nge komputer seharian dr bangun tdr sampe skrg. Ga tau kenapa kok jadi males2an belajar begini ya *udah ngerasa pinter kali*

Dari sore sampe jam 9 gw chat ma Taufan Kuswaya aka Upen! hahaha tuh anak seru juga. Dia bilang dia udah putus ma cewenya sekitar 1 bulan yg lalu. Terus conversation kita dr cerita ttg dia dan cewenya sampe dia ky desperado pgn cari cewe lagi hahaha cuma sygnya saya tidak di Indonesia kan pen?hahaha yah begitulah joke kita tadi. Sempat ngomongin org homo dan Jupe (jangan2 ky Megan Fox) hingga akhirnya masa2 wkt dia disini hahaha yah begitulah saya harap pembaca mengerti maksudnya apa. Dia sempet bilang gini, "Chaa, wanna know something??" "Iya pen apa?" udah muka serius nih terus dia bilang gini "Gw boker lagi nih.Udah kesekian kalinya" Gw bales aja, "Lo berak atau mencret2 pen?kok kynya lancar banget pembuangan". hehehe peace peeen semoga lo ga marah gw buka kartu disini :P Yah kita sampe kangen kangenan lah. Dia bilang dia kangen wkt kita nge joke jorok dulu hahha gw salahin dia udah membuat gw begini padahal bukan salah dia sih haha yah lo tau kan si Upen tuh innocent. Cowo yg paling innocent yg pernah gw kenal. Cerita ttg kiss apalah gitu ma cewenya hahaha yah buka2an deh kita. Buuuut I hate the part when he asked me to tell everything about me and my ex-es.OMG!that's a HELL NO NO! Pokoknya banyak deh yg kita bicarain ga stop2.Maksud gw ga stop2 tuh karna lo tau lah si Upen, gw ngomong apa dia nyambungnya kemana begitu juga gw dia ngomong apa gw nyambung kemana2 deh :D

Dalam perbincangan gw ma bang Andra, tiba2 ada seseorg lelaki (another unexpected person) yg menyapa gw di Facebook. Namanya Adityo Nugroho aka Iyo. "Hey cantik :)" Hahaha ehh gw sapa balik aja, "Halo cowo. Kok belum tdr?" Yah dan kita berbincang2 juga. Jadi nih yee dlm wkt bersamaan gw chat ma 3 org yg lagi seru2nya banget. Anyway, gw ma si Iyo chat di Facebook chat. Hahahaha gw sempet radaa aneh pas dia bilang, "I miss you. uhm.... forget it!" hahaha at that time I could only smile and replied, "I miss you too" Yeah I admit that I miss him too but not like hell!Well it was a surprise,he actually said that to me cause all I know is that he has a crush, SHE IS PRETTY AND CUTE :) and I am really cool with her. I mean, it's not like when I heard/read a girl named MANDA then got pissed off. Hahaha it's all the past. Me and him is over, we are just ex-es (not ASS-es ok?). Kita lumayan chat banyak dan dia sempet bertanya apa gw lagi deket ma seseorg then I honestly told him that I've been single ever since we broke up. Mungkin it's a good news for him but I didn't mean to make him fly, serius deh.HAHAHAHAHAHAA ;P ;P He was like, "You are a nice girl. Maybe I should change my mind and back with you" hahahaha awww that's sweet honey but I told him "Naaah you cant!how about your crush?I know that you both are close and she might be waiting for you to ask her out." So yeah he listened to it. He might be just joking around with me by saying that.Uhm or maybe NOT?You know what, he phoned me after that. Haha. He said that he just bought a credit just to call me awwww thats sweet :) Kita lanjut bercerita di telf. Dia juga cerita kalo dia ada ketemu Cindy, sepupu gw, di cinema Balikpapan tapi dia lagi sama gebetannya and too bad that Cindy did not recognize him. Terus gw bilang dong, "Bisa aja Cindy pura2 ga kenal soalnya aku pernah cerita ke dia kalo kamu tuh nyebelin gitu dan aku sebel ma kamu blablablabla" hahaha Was I too honest?Maybe that was not my intention. But I am sorry to be honest with you, Yo. Eh dia bilang gini, "kamu sebel kenapa?aku nyebelin gimana?kasih tau kasih tau." hahaha well well well, gimana ya gw sebel aja karna dia emang nyebelin huhuhuhu Then dia ada bilang gini coba, "jadi aku udah telf jauh2 gini demi kamu tapi aku nyebelin ya?" hihihihi to be honest ya yo, kamu ga nyebelin kok cuma kadang keselin emang dan kamu tau banget alasannya kenapa hahahaha :D :D
Yah penutupan gw dan dia di telf tidak enak banget karna mesti keputus secara tiba2 hahaha pulsa dia habis hiks :( Sayang sekali gw lagi ga ada pulsa makanya tidak ada sms dia atau telf balik dia :P

Jadi begitulah kerjaan gw dan apa yg terjadi di hari pertama gw di thn 2010. Gw rasa ini cukup mengenangkan buat awal permulaan thn 2010. Jadi semoga aja di hari hari selanjutnya akan menjadi hari yg lebih baik, bukan baik dalam percintaan loh, maksud gw baik dalam hal yg baik :) AMIN

Welcome 2010 and Bye Bye 2009

Hey Blog, it’s been a while since my school started :(

I have been busy with the exams and preparation stuffs AAAAAAARRRRGH!

I currently feel like I am hiding from everyone hahaha I don’t update anything to my friends *ky artis aja mesti ngeupdate diri hehe*

Anyway, I hope 2010 will be a good year for me. Semoga aku bisa menjadi anak yg solehah, baik, rajin, pinter, tidak emosian, sabar&tabah, mature dlm pikiran, kuat iman, rajin beribadah, tidak ngerepotin org tua,keluarga dan teman2,tidak belagu, ramah, tidak punya pemikiran negative (berprasangka buruk), tingkah laku tidak aneh2 ky org gila lepas dr rumah sakit jiwa, turun berat badan, keterima in a good University, makin erat persahabatannya dgn sobat2, no more stupid drama. DAN YANG PALING PENTING ADALAH, SEMOGA NILAI UJIAN AKU 70%+ AMIIIIIIIIIIIN YA ROBBALALAMIN :)